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[Objective] This study aimed to evaluate the effects of different reheating methods on the quality characteristics of psyllium husk powder -unrinsed surimi gelatinous pancakes.[Methods] Gelatinous pancakes were reheated using steaming (SR),baking (BR),air frying (AR),microwave reheating (MR) and decoction (FR).Changes in color,moisture content,textural properties and flavor characteristics were analyzed.[Results]] Reheating deepened the color of the pancakes and reduced the whiteness.Frying (FR) significantly (P<0.05) increased a* and b* values by 4.50 and 1.43 times,respectively,compared to the control (CK).Moisture loss was highest in MR (53.07%) and GR (56.67%) but minimal in SR (2.16%),AR (3.60%),and FR (4.06%).Except for FR,reheating treatments increased moisture freedom.Hardness and flavor richness increased across all methods,with bitterness significantly elevated in MR,SR and FR,while sourness decreased in MR,SR,BR and FR by approximately 38.74%.Reheating enhanced the diversity and relative content of flavor compounds,with SR causes diluting flavor substances,while MR and FR intensified flavor variety and richness.[Conclusion] Frying (FR) |was the most suitable reheating method for gelatinous pancakes,followed by microwave reheating (MR).

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