[Objective] This paper aims to establish a discrete element -based bonding model of Monopterus albus meat and calibrate the parameters.[Methods] By using fresh Monopterus albus meat as the research object,the basic parameters were measured by a physical test,and Monopterus albus meat was compressed by a texture analyzer to obtain the mechanical characteristic curve of compressed Monopterus albus meat.The maximum destructive force in the elastic stage was determined.The Hertz -Mindlin with bonding model was used to construct the discrete element bonding model of Monopterus albus meat,and virtual calibration tests were carried out on the relevant bonding parameters.The relevant parameters of the model were determined by a single factor test and central composite design (CCD ) response surface method.Finally,the simulation results were compared with the measured maximum compression force.[Results]] The optimal combination of the bonding model of Monopterus albus meat was as follows:normal stiffness per unit area,shear stiffness per unit area,critical normal stress,and critical tangential stress were 1.523×109 N/m3,1.024×109 N/m3,1.061×106 Pa,and 6.130×105 Pa.[Conclusion] By comparing the simulation results with the measured results,the stress variation trend of the two is the same,and the error is only 3.48%,which indicates that the relevant parameters of the bonding model of Monopterus albus meat are accurate.
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Mingyong, LIU; Lin, ZHU; Xue, XIANG; Zhouhuan, OUYANG; and Ping, LI
"Parameter calibration of bonding model of Monopterus albus meat based on discrete element method,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 40:
12, Article 10.
DOI: 10.13652/j.spjx.1003.5788.2024.80500
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