[Objective] This study aimed to determine the optimal processing conditions for Dali ginseng (DG) and evaluate its antioxidant activity.[Methods] Total ginsenosides content in DG was measured under different liquid -material ratios,temperatures,and extraction time.The response surface method was employed to optimize the processing conditions.UPLC -QQQ -MS was used to analyze the ginsenoside content,and the antioxidant activity of DG extracts with different polarities was evaluated using various antioxidant indexes.[Results]] The optimal processing conditions of DG were processing at 95 ℃ with liquid -solid ratio 22∶1 (mL/g ) for 30 mins.Under the control of these conditions,the maximum content of total ginsenosides at 3.75% was achieved.All the DG extracts certain antioxidant activity,among which the ethyl acetate extract has the strongest antioxidant activity.[Conclusion] The optimum processing technology and antioxidant active parts of Dali ginseng were obtained.
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Genyue, LI; Yudan, WANG; Kaili, YANG; Lusheng, HAN; and Enpeng, WANG
"Optimization of processing technology of Dali ginseng and analysis on its anti-oxidation activity,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 40:
12, Article 19.
DOI: 10.13652/j.spjx.1003.5788.2024.80493
Available at:
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