Policy documents and reports on the Canadian front -of-package nutrition symbol were collected and sorted out from the official website of the Canadian government,literature and other channels,and the historical background,introduction process,logo features,evaluation criteria,and similarities and differences with the related front -of-package labeling were summarized.The practical experience of Canadian front -of-package nutrition symbol in strengthening the information disclosure of the nutrition facts,extensively soliciting social opinions and carrying out cost and benefit assessment before its introduction,and formulating labeling norms for food for young children had important inspiration and reference significance for the implementation of front -of-package labeling in China.
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Recommended Citation
Zeying, HUANG and Haijun, LI
"The characteristics and enlightenment of nutrition labeling on the front of packaging in Canada,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 40:
12, Article 25.
DOI: 10.13652/j.spjx.1003.5788.2024.80321
Available at:
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