In the context of globalization,cultural exchanges within international trade have become increasingly frequent,positioning food packaging as a medium for such exchanges.Changes in cross -border food packaging,brought about by these cultural exchanges,are accompanied by the acculturation phenomenon,which originates from immigrant cultural exchanges.Based on the study of acculturation theory and advancements in the visual design of food packaging,the existing issues related to cross -border food packaging were analyzed.Through visual design case studies of cross -border food packaging,three visual design strategies for cross -border food packaging were developed:juxtaposition integration,assimilation fusion,and autonomous separation.
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Jinzhi, GUO and Han, MAO
"Visual design strategies for cross-border food packaging based on acculturation theory,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 40:
12, Article 27.
DOI: 10.13652/j.spjx.1003.5788.2024.60179
Available at:
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