

Objective: A special cutting mechanism for slicing elongated fish with smooth surface was designed. Methods: Taking the slimy eel as the research object, the mechanism of clamping and cutting operation was analyzed. Taking cutting quality and cutting time as test indexes, the influence of main parameters such as clamping wheel speed, cutting tool speed and clamping wheel surface geometry on cutting quality and cutting time were investigated. Results: The main factors affecting cutting quality were blade speed and clamping wheel limit height, and the most important factors affecting cutting time were clamping wheel speed. When the clamping wheel limit height was 5 mm, the blade speed was 1 350 r/min, and the clamping wheel speed wwas 167 r/min, the higher cutting quality score and cutting time could be obtained. Conclusion: The eel can be effectively transported by using the gripper wheel, and efficient and high-speed laparotomy can be achieved by adjusting the speed of the gripper wheel, the speed of the blade and the height of the limit.

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