
Corresponding Author(s)

田建艳(1966—),女,太原理工大学教授,博士生导师,博士。E-mail: tut_tianjy@163.com


Objective: To solve the problems of low level of automation and high labor intensity of workers in the fermented grains discharging process of solid-state fermentation in the ground-pot. Methods: An automatic fermented grains scooping strategy for the compound robot for fermented grains scooping was proposed. Based on the pre-processing of the ground-pot image and the reconstruction of the point cloud inside the inner edge, the point cloud segmentation algorithm was used to extract the point cloud of fermented grains. The scooping plane was constructed. The safe working distance for scooping was solved. Preset scooping points were set. Afterwards, the scooping amount of the preset scooping point was evaluated by the pixel surface element voxel algorithm, to select the optimal scooping point. Results: The method of planning the scooping point based on the safe working distance is reasonable, which ensures that the bucket does not collide with the ground-pot wall while scooping fermented grains from the wall at different depths of the scooping plane. The strategy can effectively reduce the number of robot scooping, thereby improving the efficiency of fermented grains scooping. Conclusion: The strategy can effectively guide the compound robot to realize the automatic and intelligent fermented grains discharging.

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