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Objective: To explore the potential of minor beans as ingredients for starch gel foods. Methods: The basic compositions were analyzed, as well as the hydration, pasting, and gel properties of five kinds of minor bean flours, including mung beans, peas, white kidney beans, red beans, and chickpeas. Results: The water absorption index (WAI) of Mung bean powder at 90 ℃ and the water solubility index (WSI) at 40 ℃, the water absorption was better. In gelatinization results, mung bean powder had the highest recovery value, and showed good gelatinability. The results showed that the hardness and chewability of mung bean gel were significantly higher than those of other mixed bean powder, and the gel had certain elasticity and strong chewability. Mung bean gel has no bubbles, uniform surface, good smoothness and longest stretching distance. Conclusion: Mung beans may be the most suitable raw material among the five kinds of minor beans as gel-based food ingredients.

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