
Corresponding Author(s)

向小乐(1989—),男,长沙理工大学副教授,博士。E-mail: xiangxiaole@csust.edu.cn


Protein-based gels have attracted much attention due to their unique advantages in the field of food and medicine due to their optical transparency. Transparent gels are expected to become high-end protein-based gel foods similar to bird 's nest or their processing excipients ( materials ). Exploring the difference mechanism of optical properties of egg white thermal gels is expected to become the key to overcome the high-quality utilization of egg white gels. In this paper, the formation mechanism and influencing factors of egg white gel transparency were reviewed. The formation mechanism of egg white thermal gel was analyzed in depth, the modification methods of protein were discussed, and the future research and development direction of egg white transparent thermal gel was prospected.

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