
Corresponding Author(s)

李培骏(1978—),男,韶关学院副教授,博士。E-mail: peijunli@sgu.edu.cn苏东林(1979—),男,湖南省农产品加工研究所研究员,博士。E-mail: sdl791228@163.com


Due to antimicrobial activity, nanoparticles (NPs) in combination with antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) can be used to kill drug-resistant (MDR) pathogens. Nanosilver (AgNPs) has broad-spectrum and efficient antimicrobial properties, multiple bacterial inactivation mechanisms, and the ability to fine-tune the conjugation on the surface of antimicrobial peptide-conjugated silver nanoparticles (AMP-AgNPs), which results in higher biosafety of AMP-AgNPs. The review summarized the latest research progress of AMP-AgNPs conjugates and discussed the synthesis method, antibacterial activity, mechanism of action, hemolytic toxicity of AMP-AgNPs conjugates, as well as their applications in medical and food fields. The future development direction of AMP-AgNPs conjugates was also prospected.

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