
Corresponding Author(s)

范伟(1983—),男,湖南农业大学讲师,博士。E-mail: weifan@hunau.edu.cn


Objective: Clarifying the effects of lipid co-passengers on the stability of rapeseed oil emulsions and prepare high-stability nano-emulsions. Methods: The endogenous lipidassociated compounds of rapeseed oil were subjected to column chromatography filtration, followed by various concentration gradient re-addition. High-pressure microfluidization was utilized to prepare nanoemulsions, which were subsequently characterized. The influence of lipid associated compound content on the stability of rapeseed oil emulsions was also investigated. Results: The preparation of rapeseed oil nanoemulsions reached optimal conditions when the α-tocopherol content was 292 mg/kg, rapeseed polyphenols content was 32 mg/kg, β-sitosterol content was 6 712 mg/kg, and β-carotene content was 31 mg/kg. The average particle size of the resulting rapeseed oil nanoemulsion was (182.4±2.056) nm, indicating good stability. Conclusion: Lipid associated compounds significantly affect the stability of emulsions.

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