

[Objective] In order to study the effects of geosynclinal ventilation on the temperature of tall bungalow warehouse. [Methods] The numerical simulation software COMSOL was used to conduct numerical simulation of temperature field under mechanical ventilation for 96 h for tall bungalow warehouse with size of 60 m×24 m and loading height of 6 m. By establishing the mass conservation equation, momentum conservation equation and energy conservation equation, the variation of temperature field in the warehouse under different ventilation modes was analyzed, and the numerical simulation of different unit ventilation conditions was extended. [Results] After mechanical ventilation for 36 h, most of the grain pile below the grain line in the warehouse had dropped to 15 ℃, and after mechanical ventilation for 96 h, the temperature of the grain pile had dropped to below 15 ℃, the grain layer temperature at the distance of 1~6 m from the bottom of the warehouse all dropped below 15.2 ℃. By changing the unit ventilation rate [q=3 m3/(h·t) to q=8 m3/(h·t)], the cooling rate of the grain pile became faster. [Conclusion] The temperature of the grain pile decreases gradually from the bottom of the bin and spreads in an arc shape under the geosynclinal ventilation condition. The grain layer 1 m and 2 m away from the bottom of the warehouse is affected by the fluctuation of external environment temperature, and the temperature gradually decreased in the fluctuation. With the increase of the distance between the grain layer and the bottom of the warehouse, the temperature fluctuation gradually disappears. The temperature change of grain pile in the bin appears a certain lag, and the cooling rate of grain layer temperature decreases with the increasing distance from the bottom of the bin, and the increase of the unit ventilation rate makes the grain pile get better cooling effect.

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