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[Objective] This study aimed to explore the mechanism of action between Amomum villosum polysaccharide (AVP) and wheat starch and reveal the dose-effect relationship of AVP on the quality of wheat starch. [Methods] an AVP-wheat starch compound system with different concentrations of AVP was prepared. The effects of different concentrations of AVP on the gelatinization characteristics, rheological properties, thermodynamic properties, crystal structure and digestion characteristics of wheat starch were studied. [Results] The AVP could increase the viscosity and gelatinization temperature of the wheat starch compound system, reduce the leaching of amylose during gelatinization and the damage degree of the crystalline region during wheat starch gelatinization, and delay the gelatinization process. When the concentration of AVP was 1.00%, the disintegration value of the compound system was 299 mPa·s, the retrogradation value was 532 mPa·s, and the gelatinization enthalpy was 666.29 J/g, indicating that the anti-aging effect and the stability were the best. Fourier infrared spectrum analysis showed that there was a hydrogen bond interaction between AVP and wheat, and the bond was the strongest when the mass concentration of AVP was 1.00%. The results of in vitro simulated digestion showed that AVP could inhibit the digestion of wheat starch. [Conclusion] Adding AVP can effectively improve the thermal stability of wheat starch and reduce the digestibility of wheat starch.

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