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[Objective] To analyze the differences in volatile components between three kinds of dried L. edoeds. [Methods] Three different drying methods (hot air drying, radio frequency-hot air drying, vacuum freeze drying) were used to determine the volatile substances in L. edoeds by gas chromatogi-ion migration spectrometry (GC-IMS), and the differences of volatile substances in L. edoeds were analyzed according to fingerprint and PCA. [Results] The main volatile components of dried L. edoeds were aldehydes, alcohols, ketones and acids. There were significant differences in the characteristic volatile organic substances of dried L. edoeds in three different drying methods, the contents of aldehyde and alcohol were hot air drying > radio frequency-hot air drying > VD. Fingerprint analysis showed that compared with vacuum freeze drying, hot air drying and radio frequency-hot air drying could significantly improve the fruity flavor of L. edoeds. PCA analysis showed that the contribution rate of PC1 and PC2 was 61% and 29%, respectively, and the cumulative contribution rate reached 90.0%. Hot air drying and radio frequency-hot air drying had high similarity in the flavor composition of L. edoeds. [Conclusion] GC-IMS can realize differential and rapid analysis and identification of volatile flavor components of L. edoeds produced by three drying methods, and provide theoretical reference for high-quality drying of L. edoeds and its product identification.

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