

[Objective] This study aimed to explore the effects of rye pollen peptide on the proliferation of probiotics and promote the development and utilization of rye pollen. [Methods] In this study, A rye flower peptide product with an average relative molecular mass of 691 was obtained by wall-breaking enzymatic treatment of rye pollen raw material. The growth and acid production of Lactobacillus fermentum B153 before and after the addition of rye pollen peptide were also studied to investigate the effect of rye pollen peptide in promoting the proliferation of B153. [Results] The experimental data showed that the 24-h growth and acid tolerance of B153 were improved after the addition of rye pollen peptide, and the logarithmic value of the number of viable bacteria was significantly increased to 8.7 after 24 h of incubation; The lactic acid concentration was significantly increased, and the maximum lactic acid mass concentration was 13 mg/mL. [Conclusion] Rye pollen peptide can improve the growth condition and acid production of L. fermentans B153.

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