In the field of food safety,it is essential to define the subject of administrative responsibility of food business enterprises correctly.This study,based on article seventy -five of the food safety law,explored in depth the idea of separating the administrative responsibility of food business enterprises from double punishment,it provides a new perspective and train of thought for the perfection of our country;Food safety supervision system.First,the main problems and challenges of the current double punishment system of the subject of administrative responsibility are analyzed.Then,three innovative system designs are proposed,including technology -driven regulation,a flexible penalty system and responsible supply chain management.The section on technology -driven supervision explores how to use modern technologies such as big data,AI and blockchain to achieve more accurate,timely and effective food safety supervision.In the part of the flexible fine system,a fine system is designed in which the size of the fine is linked to such factors as the seriousness of the violation,the size of the enterprise and its financial position,in order to achieve fairer and more effective penalties.In the part of responsible supply chain management,it is emphasized that enterprises should establish a comprehensive food safety supply chain management system to prevent food safety problems in the supply chain.This paper provides a new theoretical and practical viewpoint for understanding and improving the food safety supervision system,which helps improve the effectiveness and fairness of food safety supervision in our country.
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Chunhua, ZHOU and Xiayun, WU
"The concept of separation of double punishment system for the main body of administrative responsibility of food business enterprises,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 40:
8, Article 10.
DOI: 10.13652/j.spjx.1003.5788.2024.60085
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