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[Objective ] This study focus on exploring the factors affecting the migration of 14 heavy metal elements such as Ag,As and Pb in tableware and the migration patterns of each element.[Methods ] Silver tableware was chosen as an example,and the following parameters were chosen:silver purities (92.50%,99.00%,99.90%,99.99%),food simulants (drinking water,10% ethanol,5 g/L citric acid,4% acetic acid,tea),soaking temperatures (20,40,70 ℃),and soaking times (0.5,1.0,6.0,12.0,24.0 h),to design mixed level orthogonal experiments and perform data analysis using range and analysis of variance methods.[Results] All 14 heavy metal elements were detected,and with the increase of silver purity,the migration amount of Ag element also increased.When the food simulant was acidic or in the presence of ethanol,the migration of various elements in food simulants was relatively high,and with the increase of soaking time and soaking temperature,the migration of each element showed a certain increasing trend.[Conclusion ] When silver tableware products are exposed to acidic or alcoholic foods for a long time,the migration of heavy metal elements is relatively high,posing significant safety hazards.

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