[Objective ] In order to improve the accuracy of egg appearance quality detection,an egg appearance quality detection model based on CNN -SVM model was established.[Methods ] Combined with the adaptive feature extraction capability of CNN and the super -generalization classification capability of SVM,the features of fully connected layers were extracted by six -layer convolutional neural network structure processing,and the CNN -SVM hybrid model was adopted,instead of the traditional CNN + softmax,an egg appearance quality detection method based on CNN -SVM model was proposed.[Results] Compared with SVM model,CNN model and KNN model,CNN -SVM model had better performance in accuracy,precision,recall and F1 score,which were 97.97%,98.10%,98.10% and 98.00% respectively.KNN model had the lowest accuracy in egg appearance quality detection,and its accuracy,precision,recall and F1 fraction are 77.46%,79.44%,76.75% and 76.90%,respectively.[Conclusion ] The CNN -SVM model has strong robustness and anti -noise ability,which can effectively improve the accuracy and applicability of egg appearance quality detection..
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Ge, QI; Feng, ZHAO; and Wanning, LI
"Egg appearance quality detection based on CNN-SVM model,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 40:
8, Article 16.
DOI: 10.13652/j.spjx.1003.5788.2024.60089
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