In recent years,immunochromatography has been a key player in the field of rapid detection of food of animal origin,providing a strong guarantee for the efficient supervision of veterinary drug residues.As a new type of fluorescent material,quantum dots can be used as a marker material in immunochromatographic detection,which can effectively improve the detection performance and has broad application prospects in the research field of rapid detection technology.This paper summarized the classification,synthesis,and preparation of immune probes of quantum dots,reviewed the application of quantum dot -based immunochromatographic assay in the rapid detection of veterinary drug residues in animal -derived food,prospected the research of quantum dots synthesis,and the veterinary drugs artificial antigens and antibodies preparation in quantum dot -based immunochromatographic assay.
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Qianzhao, SONG; Yao, WANG; Xiaofei, HU; Li, CAO; and Yaning, SUN
"Application of quantum dot immunochromatography in rapid detection of veterinary drug residues,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 40:
8, Article 24.
DOI: 10.13652/j.spjx.1003.5788.2023.81044
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