As a staple food material,potatoes are rich in a variety of nutrients,which play an important role in regulating the dietary nutritional structure of residents.The article reviews the research on food 3D printing technology based on potato starch and potato puree,mainly including the research on food 3D printing technology based on potato starch.The study of food 3D printing performance under the condition of potato starch as the main material and additive,and the study of the influence of food additives and printing temperature on food 3D printing performance.Research on food 3D printing technology based on potato puree,including the effects of pretreatment methods,additives,printing temperature,and filling structure on the 3D printing performance of food.The problems and development prospects faced by potato food 3D printing technology were discussed,the research and development direction of potatoes in the field of food 4D printing.
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Guofeng, XIA; Shengyang, OU; Zhongyuan, ZHOU; Lilulu, TAO; and Dongqi, LIN
"Research and development of food 3D printing based on potato starch and potato puree,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 40:
8, Article 25.
DOI: 10.13652/j.spjx.1003.5788.2023.80568
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