This article explores the innovative integration of traditional opera costume elements into ceramic wine bottle packaging design,inheriting and promoting excellent traditional Chinese culture,while enhancing the cultural connotation and market competitiveness of products.Through literature review,case analysis,design practice,and user feedback,the patterns,colors,materials,and cultural connotations of conventional opera costumes are analyzed and organized.With ceramic technology as the technical support,the elements of traditional opera costumes are broken down and reconstructed.From the aspects of modeling structure,color matching,material selection,consumer psychology,modern aesthetics,and the application of new materials and technologies,the application strategies and effects of traditional opera costumes in ceramic wine bottle packaging design are systematically expounded,providing new ideas for the integration of traditional culture and modern packaging design.
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Chuyi, ZHANG and Jingjie, LUO
"The application of traditional opera costume elements in wine ceramic packaging design,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 40:
8, Article 32.
DOI: 10.13652/j.spjx.1003.5788.2024.60111
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