Elaborate on the role of information visualisation in children's food packaging design,addressing new opportunities and challenges facing children's food packaging in the current context.Explore design principles and methods for information visualization in children's food packaging based on children's unique cognitive characteristics,including visual expression for information translation.By leveraging recent exemplary cases of children's food packaging,further strengthen the feasibility of the theoretical discussion.Summarize strategies for information visualization design in children's food packaging to effectively and swiftly convey food -related information to children,achieving promotional objectives.
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Jing, YU and Qinchuan, ZHAN
"Research on the visualisation design of children 's food packaging information based on cognitive psychology,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 40:
8, Article 33.
DOI: 10.13652/j.spjx.1003.5788.2024.60096
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