[Objective ] Addressing the heavy metal lead pollution in oysters using near -infrared spectroscopy technology.[Methods ] This study proposed the use of near -infrared reflectance spectroscopy combined with pattern recognition for detecting Pb contamination.Initially,spectral data of healthy mussels and Pb -contaminated mussels in the range of 950~1 700 nm were collected.The wavelength selection algorithm of variable importance analysis based on the random variable combination (VIAVC ) was utilized to reduce the dimensionality,and selected the optimal subset of wavelengths.Considering the detection of healthy mussels and Pb -contaminated mussels as an imbalanced classification problem,the gravitational fixed radius nearest neighbor (GFRNN ) method based on universal gravity was explored for identifying Pb contamination in mussels.[Results] The experimental results demonstrated that the proposed VIAVC -GFRNN method outperformed traditional algorithms such as K -nearest neighbor,fixed radius nearest neighbor,and support vector machine algorithms in detecting Pb contamination,while remaining unaffected by the imbalance ratio.The area under the receiver operation curve value of the VIAVC -GFRNN model reached 0.988 6,with a detection accuracy and geometric mean of 99.17%.[Conclusion ] Near -infrared spectroscopy combined with pattern recognition methods has great potential for detecting Pd pollution in mussels.
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Wei, JIANG; Zhongyan, LIU; Yao, LIU; Jianfang, XIONG; and Shaogeng, ZENG
"Identification of heavy metal Pb pollution in Perna viridis based on near-infrared spectroscopy,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 40:
8, Article 7.
DOI: 10.13652/j.spjx.1003.5788.2024.80001
Available at:
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