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At present,China has basically completed the construction of the administrative supervision system for third -party platforms in online food transactions,with the Food Safety Law,the Consumer Rights Protection Law,and the E -commerce Law as the main framework,and the Implementation Regulations of the Food Safety Law,the Measures for the Investigation and Punishment of Illegal Acts in Online Food Safety,the Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Food Safety in Online Catering Services,and the Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Online Transactions as the specific content.However,in the process of court case judgments,there are still litigation problems such as incomplete administrative supervision legislation,difficulty in unifying administrative supervision basis,and relatively single administrative supervision methods.Therefore,it is necessary to define the legal concept of third -party platforms for online food trading,adopt the principle of balancing interests in individual cases for judgment,refine the legal obligations of third -party platforms,innovate regulatory methods to promote strong cooperation between administrative agencies and third -party platforms,and use this as a path to promote the sustainable and healthy development of online food trading in China.

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