

LIU Rui, Institute of Food and Nutrition Development , Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs , Beijing 100081 , China ;Green Agriculture and Food Nutrition Professional Committee of China Green Food Association , Beijing 100081 , China
HUANG Jiazhang, Institute of Food and Nutrition Development , Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs , Beijing 100081 , China ;Green Agriculture and Food Nutrition Professional Committee of China Green Food Association , Beijing 100081 , China
MIAO Yiyuan, School of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development , Renmin University of China , Beijing 100872 , China
SUN Junmao, Institute of Food and Nutrition Development , Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs , Beijing 100081 , China ;State Food and Nutrition Consultant Committee , Beijing 100081 , ChinaFollow
SHENG Jiping, School of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development , Renmin University of China , Beijing 100872 , China
WANG Zhihong, National Institute for Nutrition and Health Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention , Beijing 100050 , China
YIN Shutao, College of Food Science & Nutritional Engineering , China Agricultural University , Beijing 100083 , China
YU Huanling, School of Public Health , Capital Medical University , Beijing 100069 , China
NIE Ying, Institute of Food and Nutrition Development , Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs , Beijing 100081 , China ;Green Agriculture and Food Nutrition Professional Committee of China Green Food Association , Beijing 100081 , China

Corresponding Author(s)



The problem of hidden hunger is a common challenge facing the world.In recent years,China has actively responded to the problem of hidden hunger,and the problem of hidden hunger has been significantly improved.The article summarizes the concept and connotation of hidden hunger,the current situation of hidden hunger in various countries around the world,the important measures and achievements of China in dealing with hidden hunger,and the challenges still facing,and puts forward suggestions on countermeasures in the future,aiming at better promoting the realization of nutrition and health for all people and common prosperity.

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