[[Objective ]] To establish a method for simultaneous determination of chlorothalonil and its metabolite 4-hydroxychlorothalonil residues in animal -derived food by ultra -high performance liquid chromatography -tandem mass spectrometry.[[Methods ]] The samples were extracted by oscillating with acetonitrile solution of 1% acetic acid,defatted with n -hexane,purified by matrix dispersible solid phase extractant (PSA,anhydrous magnesium sulfate ),separated by Waters BEH C18 column under a gradient elution program using 0.1% formic acid aqueous solution and acetonitrile as the mobile phases.The anion multiple reaction monitoring model (MRM ) of atmospheric pressure chemical ionization source (APCI ) was used for the determination,and the matrix matching external standard method was used for quantitative determination.[[Results ]] The linear relationships of chlorothalonil and 4-hydroxychlorothalonil were good in the range of 5~500 μg/L,and the limits of quantitation were 0.005 mg/kg.The average recoveries of chlorothalonil and 4-hydroxychlorothalonil were 69.3%~111.0% and 65.3%~117.9%,respectively.The relative standard deviations of chlorothalonil and 4-hydroxychlorothalonil were 1.6%~10.8% and 1.1%~9.0%,respectively.[[Conclusion ]] The method is simple,rapid,sensitive,accurate and reliable for simultaneous determination of chlorothalonil and its metabolite 4-hydroxychlorothalonil in animal -derived food.
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Xiaofang, LIU; Zheng, LI; Hao, HE; Junjie, JIANG; and Yuanyuan, CHEN
"Determination of chlorothalonil and its metabolite 4-hydroxychlorothalonil residues in animal-derived food by ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 40:
9, Article 10.
DOI: 10.13652/j.spjx.1003.5788.2024.80531
Available at:
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