[[Objective ]] The processing technology of round scad (Decapterus maruadsi) fish balls with chicory polysaccharide was optimized and its storage characteristics were analyzed.[Methods ] The effects of chicory polysaccharide (CP) supplemental level,corn starch supplemental level,salt supplemental level,water supplemental level,complex phosphate supplemental level and gel temperature on the texture and comprehensive score of scad fish balls were investigated.The processing technology of chicory polysaccharide scad fish balls was optimized based on the comprehensive score.The processing technology of chicory polysaccharide scad fish balls was optimized based on the comprehensive score.The microstructure of the fish balls was observed by optical microscope and scanning electron microscope,and the changes of physicochemical parameters of the fish balls were analyzed during refrigeration at 4 ℃.[Results ] The texture comprehensive score,was constructed,based on the principle component analysis method to extract common factors,and it was calculated as follows:Y=0.343X1+0.349X2+0.350X3.When the water content was 12.41%,the corn starch content was 25.09% and the CP content was 7.90%,the maximum comprehensive score of the fish was 1.489 5±0.017 0.The microstructure results showed that the fish balls supplemented with 7.90% CP could significantly improve the overall structure of the fish balls compared with the blank control group,making the microstructure fine and uniform,and the cross -linking degree of internal gel networks enhanced.Stored at 4 ℃ for 10 days,the sample group supplemented with CP had less drip loss,more stable pH,and slower changes in volatile base total nitrogen and malondialdehyde values than the blank control group.[Conclusion ] The fish balls prepared in this study have good quality characteristics,|and the texture and storage resistance of the balls can be effectively improved by adding CP.
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Shan, XUE and Jingjuan, LIN
"Effect of chicory polysaccharide on the texture and storage quality of round scad fish ball,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 40:
9, Article 16.
DOI: 10.13652/j.spjx.1003.5788.2023.80719
Available at:
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