

ZHENG Ruisheng, Fujian Province Key Lab for the Development of Bioactive Material from Marine Algae , Quanzhou Normal University , Quanzhou , Fujian 362002 , China ;Fujian Advanced Education Key Laboratory of Inshore Resources Biotechnology , Quanzhou Normal University , Quanzhou , Fujian 362002 , China ;Ankee Food Stuff Co ., Ltd., Quanzhou , Fujian 362000 , ChinaFollow
YUAN Sihui, Fujian Province Key Lab for the Development of Bioactive Material from Marine Algae , Quanzhou Normal University , Quanzhou , Fujian 362002 , China ;Fujian Advanced Education Key Laboratory of Inshore Resources Biotechnology , Quanzhou Normal University , Quanzhou , Fujian 362002 , China
HUANG Yilin, Fujian Province Key Lab for the Development of Bioactive Material from Marine Algae , Quanzhou Normal University , Quanzhou , Fujian 362002 , China ;Fujian Advanced Education Key Laboratory of Inshore Resources Biotechnology , Quanzhou Normal University , Quanzhou , Fujian 362002 , China
LI Jiani, Fujian Province Key Lab for the Development of Bioactive Material from Marine Algae , Quanzhou Normal University , Quanzhou , Fujian 362002 , China ;Fujian Advanced Education Key Laboratory of Inshore Resources Biotechnology , Quanzhou Normal University , Quanzhou , Fujian 362002 , China
HAN Shuxian, Fujian Province Key Lab for the Development of Bioactive Material from Marine Algae , Quanzhou Normal University , Quanzhou , Fujian 362002 , China ;Fujian Advanced Education Key Laboratory of Inshore Resources Biotechnology , Quanzhou Normal University , Quanzhou , Fujian 362002 , China
SU Kunlun, Quanzhou Xinqiang Food Co ., Ltd., Quanzhou , Fujian 362013 , China

Corresponding Author(s)



[Objective ] This study aimed to analyze the main residual bacteria and control the bacterial growth effectively.[Methods ] The 16S rDNA technology was used to identify the main residual bacteria.The compound antibacterial experiments were carried out to kill the heat-resistance residual bacteria which were screened by high temperature test.[Results ] A total of 47 strains of genera belonging to 8 strains of genera were isolated from 5 groups of samples,including raw and auxiliary materials,final RDEs products spoilaged samples etc.The 8 strains of genera were Bacillus,Streptococcus,Moraxella,Alkalihalobacillus,Kurthia,Lactococcus,Enterococcus and Vagococcus respectively.It was found the RDEs easily caused secondary pollution after mixing the sauce materials contained Bacillus.After high-temperature sterilization,some Bacillus remained in the RDEs which were the same as the spoilage RDEs.Among them,Bacillus genera C7-1 and C 8-3 have the strongest heat resistance.Adding 0.2 g/kg ε-polylysine and 0.5 g/kg citric acid effectively inhibited the growth of two types of Bacillus subtilis.[Conclusion ] For the RDE products,0.2 g/kg ε-polylysine and 0.5 g/kg citric acid were combined with high-temperature sterilization at 110 ℃ for 10 minutes for validation testing.There was no evidence of spoilage or bagging happening from the RDE products after being stored at (36±2) ℃ for 30 days.

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