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[[Objective ]] To solve the problem of adverse side effects of anti -vertigo drugs and to develop functional foods with the same source of medicine and food as anti -motion sickness.[[Methods ]] After 7 days of adaptive feeding,50 mice were divided into normal group,model group,positive drug group,Gastrodia H group and Gastrodia L group,and the mouse motion sickness model was constructed by rotational stimulation method,and the ultrafine powder of Gastrodia (gastrodin content 1.05%) was administered by gavage,and the treatment effect of Gastrodia on motion sickness model mice was evaluated by behavioral indicators such as motion sickness reaction index,balance beam test and spontaneous activity test.[[Results ]] The MSI value of mice in the normal group was 2.11±0.59,and the corona response index of the mice in the model group was significantly increased (P<0.001),indicating that the experimental animals were successfully modeled.Compared with the model group,the corona response index of Gastrodia H group and Gastrodia L group decreased by 55.8% (P<0.01) and 43.4% (P<0.05).Compared with the model group,the time of passing the balance beam in Gastrodia H group was (29.00±19.56) s,which was significantly shorter than that of the model group (P<0.05),and its balance beam behavior score was reduced by 33.3% (P<0.05).The total distance of spontaneous activity in the H and L groups increased by 399.1% and 326.4%,respectively,which was significantly higher than that in the model group (P<0.05).[[Conclusion ]] Gastrodia ultrafine powder has a relieving effect on motion sickness in model mice,and there are no adverse side effects.

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