[Objective ] This study aimed to further develop the antioxidant activity function of Microctis folium leaves.[Methods ] M.folium leaves extracts of petroleum ether,dichloromethane,ethyl acetate and water were obtained by solvent extraction to determine their antimicrobial activities against common bacteria in nosocomial infections,and the antioxidant activities were evaluated by determining the scavenging capacities of the extracts of different polarities against DPPH radicals,hydroxyl radicals and ABTS radicals.[Results ] The extracts showed significant antibacterial effects against Staphylococcus aureus and Acinetobacter baumannii,with the best activity of ethyl acetate extract and water extract,but no inhibitory effect against Klebsiella pneumoniae,Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.The aqueous extract had the best scavenging effect on DPPH radicals with an IC50 value of (0.093 2±0.015 0) mg/mL,while the ethyl acetate extract had the best scavenging effect on hydroxyl and ABTS radicals,with an IC50 value of (0.451 7±0.051 0) mg/mL for scavenging hydroxyl radicals.[Conclusion ] The different solvent extracts of M.folium,especially ethyl acetate extract and water extract,have the potential to be researched and developed as natural antimicrobial agents and natural antioxidants.
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Yueqiao, LIN; Nan, LI; Yongling, ZHAO; Kecan, CHEN; Wenbo, SUN; Yejian, YANG; Hui, LIU; and Xin, CHEN
"Research on antibacterial and antioxidant activity of different polar solvent extracts of Microctis folium,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 40:
9, Article 22.
DOI: 10.13652/j.spjx.1003.5788.2023.80617
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