

LI Rong, School of Biological Engineering , Sichuan University of Light Chemical Technology , Yibin , Sichuan 644000 , China ;Sichuan University of Science & Engineering , Liquor Brewing Biotechnology and Application Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province , Yibin , Sichuan 644000 , China
WEI Chunhui, School of Biological Engineering , Sichuan University of Light Chemical Technology , Yibin , Sichuan 644000 , China ;Sichuan University of Science & Engineering , Liquor Brewing Biotechnology and Application Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province , Yibin , Sichuan 644000 , China
HUANG Zhiguo, School of Biological Engineering , Sichuan University of Light Chemical Technology , Yibin , Sichuan 644000 , China ;Sichuan University of Science & Engineering , Liquor Brewing Biotechnology and Application Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province , Yibin , Sichuan 644000 , China
YING Chao, School of Biological Engineering , Sichuan University of Light Chemical Technology , Yibin , Sichuan 644000 , China ;Sichuan University of Science & Engineering , Liquor Brewing Biotechnology and Application Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province , Yibin , Sichuan 644000 , China
ZENG Bo, School of Biological Engineering , Sichuan University of Light Chemical Technology , Yibin , Sichuan 644000 , China ;Sichuan University of Science & Engineering , Liquor Brewing Biotechnology and Application Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province , Yibin , Sichuan 644000 , China
REN Zhiqing, School of Biological Engineering , Sichuan University of Light Chemical Technology , Yibin , Sichuan 644000 , China ;Sichuan University of Science & Engineering , Liquor Brewing Biotechnology and Application Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province , Yibin , Sichuan 644000 , ChinaFollow

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[[Objective ]] This study aimed to develop the application of Polygonum lapathifolium in Luzhou -flavor Fuqu.[Methods ] In the process of making Luzhou -flavor Fuqu,P.lapathifolium was added.The culture conditions such as the addition amount of P.lapathifolium,the inoculation amount of Luzhou -flavor Daqu,the moisture content and the culture time were optimized.The number of bacteria,the number of yeasts and the activity of glucoamylase were used as indicators to determine the optimal culture conditions.Under the optimal process conditions,GC-MS was used to detect the volatile flavor components in Luzhou -flavor Fuqu Baijiu.[Results ] When the addition amount of P.lapathifolium was 8%,the inoculation amount of Luzhou -flavor Daqu was 4%,the moisture content was 55%,and the culture time was 48 h,the number of bacteria in Fuqu was 6.22×107 CFU/g,the number of yeasts was 6.14×108 CFU/g,and the glucoamylase activity was 671 U/g.57 and 51 volatile flavor components were detected in Luzhou -flavor Fuqu Baijiu with and without P.lapathifolium.[Conclusion ] The addition of P.lapathifolium could improve the quality of Luzhou -flavor Fuqu and enrich the flavor substances of liquor body.

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