[[Objective ]] In order to explore the effect of superfine grinding on the quality characteristics of Morchella esculenta powder.[[Methods ]] Vibrating superfine grinding used to prepare M.esculenta powder and the effects of different superfine grinding times on the physicochemical properties and nutrient dissolution were studied.[[Results ]] With the increase of superfine grinding time,the specific surface area of M.esculenta powder significantly increased,the median particle size D50 decreased gradually,and the micron level could reach in 5 minutes of superfine grinding;The particle size was more well -distributed and the color of the powder was brighter after superfine grinding;The angle of repose,sliding angle and oil holding capacity reached the equilibrium point at 5 minutes,10 minutes and 10 minutes respectively,and there was no significant change in increasing superfine grinding time.The water holding capacity gradually decreased after reaching the maximum at 5 minutes.while,the bulk density and tap density showed a decreasing trend;With the extension of superfine grinding time,the content of polysaccharide increased continuously,the soluble dietary fiber content decreased after increasing,and reached the highest level at 15 minutes.No significant change was found in protein content and DPPH free radical clearance rate.[[Conclusion ]] The physicochemical properties of M.esculenta powder could be significantly affected by superfine grinding and the ultrafine particle size can be selected based on the practical processing needs and purposes.
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Xiaofeng, ZENG; Mi, YAN; Zhixing, GE; Shunde, ZENG; and Lunjiang, GAO
"Effects of superfine grinding on quality characteristics of Morchella esculenta powder,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 40:
9, Article 28.
DOI: 10.13652/j.spjx.1003.5788.2023.81211
Available at:
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