The traditional detection methods for condiments have the disadvantages of time -consuming,high cost and destructive detection,while the near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS )is a fast,accurate,nondestructive and convenient method,which has been used in condiment industry.With the development of chemometrics,electronic information technology and instrumentation hardware,the near infrared spectroscopy is increasingly improved.This review expounds the classification and common detection methods of condiments,and summarizes the principle,characteristics and rapid detection model of NIRS.The principle,characteristics and rapid detection model of NIRS are outlined.The research progress of near infrared spectroscopy in condiment in recent years is reviewed,including ingredient detection,adulteration identification,brand traceability and quality detection.In addition,the development trend of NIRS application in the condiments industry is outlooked,with a view to providing new ideas for the efficient development of non -destructive testing technology for condiments quality.
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Xinlei, YU; Jiahui, ZHANG; Taiang, LIU; Mingyu, YIN; and Xichang, WANG
"Research progress of near infrared spectroscopy in condiments detection,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 40:
9, Article 29.
DOI: 10.13652/j.spjx.1003.5788.2023.81185
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